Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Originally shared by Daniel Schwabe

Originally shared by Daniel Schwabe

Early morning colors at Navajo Point, Grand Canyon
This beautiful morning light highlights the variety of colors and texture of the Grand Canyon.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Exceptional ISS photo...

Exceptional ISS photo...

Originally shared by Pierre Markuse

Earth from Space: Fishing boats near Vietnam

In this image you can see Vietnam and numerous fishing boats with green lighting to attract fish and squid, taken by ESA astronaut Tim Peake (https://goo.gl/4HAAIV) from aboard the International Space Station (ISS). 

The bright city at the top of the image is Bangkok in Thailand, the city at the bottom is Cam Ranh in Vietnam.

Tim Peake is aboard the ISS at the moment (Expedition 47, https://goo.gl/G6v4Ns) and is posting pictures from space on his Twitter, follow him here: https://twitter.com/astro_timpeake

Read more about his Principia mission aboard the ISS here:

Image credit: Vietnam and fishing boats ESA/NASA/Tim Peake https://goo.gl/EYHvL8 / Edited by Pierre Markuse 

#science #vietnam #thailand #bangkok  #iss #principia #internationalspacestation #timpeake #photography #nightphotography

Monday, March 14, 2016

John Oliver nails it again...

John Oliver nails it again...

Originally shared by Manoj Kasichainula

In before my security friends post it. An impressively accurate description of the Apple encryption brouhaha.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

If I did the math correctly, that's 6,839,821 Democratic voters vs 8,805,513 Republican voters.

If I did the math correctly, that's 6,839,821 Democratic voters vs 8,805,513 Republican voters.

Originally shared by Tina Vigilante

Thursday, March 3, 2016

In 2013, the average White family had a net worth of $134,000; the average Black family had $11,000, and the average Latino family had $13,900. This disparity is a result of pervasive systemic racism -- it can't be explained by purely economic factors. Ensconced in tiny Vermont, Sanders has been completely focused on economic determinism, while Clinton deeply understands that the problem of racism exists on its own. This is substantiated by the following quote from the linked article:

In 2013, the average White family had a net worth of $134,000; the average Black family had $11,000, and the average Latino family had $13,900. This disparity is a result of pervasive systemic racism -- it can't be explained  by purely economic factors.  Ensconced in tiny Vermont, Sanders has been completely focused on economic determinism, while Clinton deeply understands that the problem of racism exists on its own.  This is substantiated by the following quote from the linked article:

"Under Bill Clinton, median household income grew by 25 per cent in African-American households, at double the speed as it did for households nationwide. Unemployment among African Americans fell by six points, against a three-point drop among the population as a whole. It was the first time in American history that the fruits of economic boom were truly felt in black households."

That is, Clinton comes from a background that actually delivered for minority households, while Sanders offers talk.  The important takeaway from all this is that Black support for Clinton is based on calm rationality, and not HRC's ability to shine them on.

Originally shared by Steve S

And then there’s the supporter problem. Throughout the race, there has been an attitude among some Sanders supporters that either condescends or ignores black voters. That emails to say that of course, black voters might not be going for Sanders just yet, but as soon as they “listen to his message” they will be won over. That says, effectively, that Clintonism is a state of sin from which black voters will shortly be uplifted. Or, writes, as the Guardian did, that “the Clinton machine” has “a hold” on African-American voters, who didn’t vote for Clinton in 2008 and are no more in “the hold” of a “machine” as white liberal graduates – who have voted for Sanders at every election he has fought since 1991 – are for Sanders. That describes Clinton as the candidate of “corporate America” and ignores the fact that she is also the candidate of black America.  That describes Sanders as the “candidate of the future”, when the future of the Democratic Party increasingly rests on the same demographics that are least friendly towards Sanders.