Saturday, February 24, 2018

Saw "Black Panther" last night -- it's a great movie, and tremendous fun.

Saw "Black Panther" last night -- it's a great movie, and tremendous fun.

Funny thing: while an authoritarian system like a hereditary monarchy is anathema to my world view, it works in a superhero movie...

Some of my friends have this issue as well.

Some of my friends have this issue as well.

Originally shared by Craig Froehle

S. Chris T. Hey, did you know that you currently have a feature turned on that tells other people what you +1? Yep. Here's what it looks like when other people (like me) see what you've plussed. Is that info you want to be sharing? If not, you might want to turn it off. Thanks.

p.s., And a warning to everyone else: You can disable sharing your +1s in your G+ settings: Click "Settings" in the left-hand menu and then set "Who can see your "+1s on posts" activity?" to "Only You"

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Not photoshop

Not photoshop

Originally shared by Brian Slesinsky

A photo of the Earth and the dark side of the moon, as seen from a million miles away by Deep Space Climate Observatory (2015).

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I wish that G+ gave me a means to block all members of particular communities. Would eliminate many spammers at once.

“Banks creates a kind of flawed paradise, a society truly worth fighting for – rather than a warning from the future, his books are a beckoning.”

“Banks creates a kind of flawed paradise, a society truly worth fighting for – rather than a warning from the future, his books are a beckoning.”

Originally shared by Michael Interbartolo

Iain M. Banks’ Culture Series is headed to Amazon Prime Video, with the studio snapping up the rights to “Consider Phlebas.”
Categorized as “Space Opera,” the books document a utopian society that finds itself post-scarcity, with money and space transportation no longer an issue. Humanity has encounter multiple species, some more friendly than others, and grown from living purely on natural worlds to create huge space habitats like rings. Lifespans have been extended by hundreds of years.